Film d'animation de sable Bleu Nuit, conte écologique

  • il y a 6 ans
Synopsis : Ce conte écologique nous plonge au coeur du monde sous-marin, entre nuit et lumière, au rythme des méditations d'une baleine, témoin privilégié de l'action humaine sur les océans.

J’ai imaginé ce film après la présentation de deux performances de dessin sur sable en direct que j’avais créées pour le Festival Musica Nigella en 2011, sur des musiques de Crumb et Natsuda.
Le thème de ce concert était "La vie secrète des Océans", et je m’étais inspiré notamment des drames du tsunami au Japon et de la catastrophe nucléaire de Fukushima en 2011, ainsi que de la marée noire de 2010 dans le golfe du Mexique consécutive à l’explosion de la plate forme pétrolière Deepwater Horizon exploitée par BP.

Durée : 07'55" - Juin 2013
Réalisation : David Myriam ::
Production : Citron Bien ::
Site du film :
Technique : dessin sur sable en direct

------------------------------- english :
- Sand art animation film Midnight Blue -

Synopsis: This ecological tale takes us to the heart of the underwater world, between night and light, following the rhythm of a whale's meditations, a privileged witness of human activity on the oceans.

I imagined this film after creation of two live sand drawing performances for the Festival Musica Nigella in 2011, with music by Crumb and Natsuda .
The theme of the concert was "The Secret Life of Oceans" , and I was inspired dramas including the 2011 Japanese tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disaster, and the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico after the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform operated by BP .

Length: 07'55" - June 2013
Director: David Myriam ::
Production: Citron Bien ::
Film website:
Technic : live sand drawing
00:50Deep in the blue of the night
00:53I stare at this suspended world
01:07Between two worlds
01:09I listen to the slightest sound
01:12The slightest drop
01:27When glass prison
01:29Carry away our brothers
01:31Helpless and naked
01:33Up above
01:35Toward the unknown sky
01:37I add my tears
01:39To the large salt bath
01:41Up above, in the dry air
01:43I hear silent agonies
01:46I imagine strange rituals
02:23I feel deaf machines
02:25Huge and fragile
02:27Weighed down with new threats
02:35I breath, I breath in vain
02:37The waves come in series
02:39They strike out
02:41Crack walls
02:42Scatter their insides
02:45And even hell burns up underwater
02:54An yet
02:55An yet everything continues unabated
02:57Concrete overtakes the water
02:59Fumes drown out the sun
03:01Crowds gather along the shores
03:03Burned and brimming with mirages
03:13Steel citadels swim over our heads
03:19Like ticking time bombs
03:25Between two floods
03:26The fog is my shelter
03:28I disappear into its folds
03:33The world is reborn in soft waves
03:35As the sky and sea merge
03:55Here they settle in the heart of our lives
03:59With their floating factories
04:01They pierce deep into the night
04:03To inject their explosion drugs
04:09Trying too hard to conquer the moon
04:11Ghosts are deaf to our cries
04:17But the fire rises up to their throat
04:19Burning their insatiable palaces
04:23Darkening sky and space
04:39The ash flies and sinks
04:45Our depths turn into dead dunes
04:47and lagoons become common graves
04:53Everywhere he must flee
04:56He must escape the sticky sludge
04:58Poisons and cages
05:00Even avoiding the tides
05:03Where all of the sewer surges back
05:39Lost in their element
05:40Our bodies are washed up in masses
05:42Burnt by the setting sun
05:44The sea sinks, and the depths freeze over
05:49The depths roar in anger
05:51The wind moans and writhes
05:53Salt clings and eats away
05:55Yet the creature is still at the helm
05:57Set in the wrong direction
06:00Straight to the edge of the world
06:18Eyes too often closed
06:20And the pack gets reduced
06:22To sail further on
06:25Perhaps to float with the stars?
06:31Or to be reborn in other waters?
06:47I then dive once again
06:49Away from machine and fuel vapors
06:52At the bottom of a vast ocean
06:54There is still space
06:57For the birth of other currents
