Spring chill intensifies along with snow in southern regions _ 032118

  • 6 years ago
Good morning. Today is spring equinox, or Chunbun according to East Asian Calendars. Our ancestors believed the spring chill arrives around this time along with strong winds... and that was surely the case this year. The cold snap has intensified across much of the country with heavy snow in southern provinces. Tokyo is also having some abnormally chilly conditions, so dress extra warmly.

While the capital area has been dealing with strong gusts since yesterday, southern regions have been seeing snow since last night, Daegu and Daejeon are seeing heavier snowfall of nearly 3 centimeters so far....

With a heavy snow advisory issued in those regions, concerns are on the rise as more snow is expected throughout the day.

Up to 10 centimeters is in store in the Gyeongsang-do provinces and the surrounding region as well as Daejeon. Seoul could also see sleet during the day as well.

Take out your winter sweater, jacket and scarf as it's a very cold morning commute. Seoul and Gwangju are waking up to a low at just 1 degree Celsius.

Daily highs in Seoul, Busan and Jeju will only be at 6 degrees this afternoon. Again, dress extra warmly

That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.