• 6年前
All of the towns are all alone with incredible sites but are so remote you even need a boat to get to some. They are worth the travel!\r
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10. Huacachina \r
Located in southwestern Peru this small village is built around an oasis and is surrounded by sand dunes. The town has hotels, shops and a library. The 96 people who reside here make a living by hosting tourists and they all live around a lagoon in the center of the village, which is said to have curative properties. It is about 185 miles south of Peru and is ually featured on Perus official currency. Imagine wandering around lost in the desert and stumbling upon this picturesque town. At first you would think it was a mirage. \r
9. Undredal\r
Up until 1988 you could only access this small village by boat. Since then a road connection has been made and it has become a very popular tourist destination. The village is most famous for its church and its goat cheese. The Undredal Stave Church was built in around 1147 and is one of the smallest stave churches around with only 40 pews. Goat cheese is very important to the towns 100 or so inhabitants, they produce 10 to 12 short tons of brown goat cheese annually using the towns 500 goats.\r
8. Palmerston Island\r
62 people from the same bloodline occupy this ridiculously remote island which is found 2,000 miles northeast of New Zealand and 2,850 miles southwest of Hawaii. It is part of an atoll of more than a dozen coral islets and is the only one of these islets that is permanently inhabited. If you are looking for isolation this is the place to go, but be prepared because isolation is about all you will find. What you wont find are hotels, cars, restaurants, an airport, a gas station, a grocery store or a hospital. It is extremely hard to get to as you can only take a boat and the approach is very dangerous and has only been mastered by the residents of the island.\r
7. Pitcairn Island\r
Of its surrounding group of islands, Pitcairn Island is the only one that is inhabited. The fifty or so people are descendents of the mutineers from the HMS Bounty in 1789. The tale of the mutiny has become famous thanks to several books and s made about the event. The island does not have an airstrip, meaning you have to take a shipping boat out of New Zealand to get there, which typically takes around 10 days. \r
6. Gasadalur\r
As of new this towns population was a scant 18 people. The population has been steadily reduced over the years, and quite frankly it is hard to believe that anyone still lives there as the route to reach other villages forces you to go over a 400 meter high mountain. It is located on the west side of the Faroe Islands and it would be hard to beat the majestic view you get from the town. A tunnel was blasted through the rock in 2004, making it possible to get to the village by car.\r
5. Strange House\r
You can find this bizarrely isolated house on the Skeleton Coast of South Africa. It appears that whoever lives here has a long commute to make to get anything done or to even see other human beings.\r
4. Pura Luhur Batukaru\r
This temple is one of the most important temples on the island of Bali. It is said to be one of the nine directional temples that protects Bali from evil spirits. Its remote location on the slopes of a volcano make it hard to access and not a lot of tourists journey to this location. If you are feeling adventurous it is a very peaceful area to spend some of your time. \r
3. Shackletons Hut\r
Ernest Shackleton built this hut while on expedition in Antarctica in the early 1900s. His entire party spent the brutal winter of 1908 in the hut, which has been named a Historic ite. Before leaving, Shackletons crew left supplies for any other explorers who happened upon the remote site. It sits on Cape Royds, which is a dark rock cape on the western extremity of Ross Island. The hut was restored to the condition that Shackleton and his crew had left it in in 2008. \r
2. Kerguelen Islands\r
These islands are also known as the Desolation Islands because of their distance from civilization. The only way to reach these extremely remote islands is to take a six day boat ride from a small island off the coast of Madagascar. It is home to a satellite and a French missile defense system but is primarily used as a scientific center. \r
1. Alert\r
Living in the northernmost permanently inhabited place in the world has to be tough. Its population is shown as 0 to 5 and this is because there is a rotation of military and scientific personnel that constantly inhabit Alert. It is home to a military signals intelligence radio receiving facility and a weather station as well as an atmosphere monitoring lab and an airport. It is only 508 miles from the Nor


