10 Most Stubborn People Ever

  • 6年前
We have all know our fair share of stubborn people. Here are 10 of the most stubborn people in the world. \r
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5. In new, Tim and Leigh McCall were sitting in their living room one Sunday watching football and a Chevy Equinox, crashed through the wall missing Leigh by approximately a foot. The incident was not the first time this had happened ually it was the 11th in 30 years. If uninvited people kept crashing into your walls wouldnt you move? Their home is built less than a block near a railroad track that has tendencies to send cars airborne if they are going fast enough. They raised a family in that home and are not budging. Regardless of having a front row seat to watch people die from and it could be their death eventually. In 1991, a teenager they had over for dinner did die when a car crashed into their wall.\r
4. Chang and Eng Bunker were Siamese twins that worked in a travelling freak show attrion. The two could not be separated because they shared a liver. Sharing a liver meant if the doctors attempted to separate them one would die. Chan did die, but not because the surgery was performed he had health related problems for years and drank heavily, and doctors theorized he died from the shock of his own impending death. After Chang passed Eng refused to be separated from his twin even though surgery was possible. One day Eng discovered that he would die one day if they were not separated; yet he still refused. He remained alongside connected to his twin until the day he died which was later the same day.\r
3. Tennessee Sheriff Buford Pusser had no patience for organized crime in his jurisdiction. You may have seen Walking Tall s. These films were based on Pussers life. He had very little help in trying to fight criminal behavior. He was the victim of eight shootings and seven stabbings, but he never stopped. He continued his one-man war even after a gangster murdered his wife. In 1974, Pusser died in a car crash that most of his supporters found suspicious.\r
2. William Mathia was a British resident did not like progress especially when it tried to run over his footpath that leads from his house to a nearby village. He built a wall that wouldnt allow his neighbors to walk the path. The path was repeatedly knocked down until he constructed an iron gate. Once he even physically overwhelmed a women with a baby carriage. Even the mail carrier was ordered to smash through the fence, but Mathia proved too insufferable. He was jailed several times for not removing the gate. He died at 92 years old and shortly after the gate was removed.\r
1. As far as this list goes Harry Randall Truman takes the cake. Truman is the most stubborn human being to have ever lived. He lived on Mt. St Helens in Washington State. Truman was the owner and operator of Mount St. Helens Lodge at Spirit Lake. In 1980 Mt St. Helens erupted and he became a celebrity on the news giving his commentaries about the situation. In the end, every resident evacuated heeding to the warnings of authorities. EVERYONE except Truman. He quoted The Mountain is a mile away, Harry said. The mountain aint gonna hurt me. He insisted on staying regardless of the imminent danger. He felt that despite the mountain erupting he was staying put with it. Even in death, he emerged as a “folk hero” but in reality, he was a few fries short of a happy meal.\r
We have all know our fair share of stubborn people. Who do you think is the worlds most stubborn person? We would love to hear what you have to say in the comments below. Dont forget to like and subscribe to our channels for more fun videos like this one. Thanks for watching.
