Florida Shooting Survivor Wants Action: ‘We’re Children. You Guys Are the Adults.’

  • 6 years ago
Florida Shooting Survivor Wants Action: ‘We’re Children. You Guys Are the Adults.’
Gutting moment on @NewDay -- Kelsey Friend pays tribute to the teacher she says saved her life: "If his family is watching this, please know
that your son or your brother was an amazing person ... his name with me will live on, I’ll make sure of it" https://t.co/gcZCNDJsJs
[RELATED: A Visual Guide to the Florida School Shooting]
Other students shared stories of the ordeal as well.
“Stop, stop!” he said, “Go over here!”
Then the school chef opened a door to her office and hurried the teenagers in — first 10, then 20, then some 30 or 40 students crowded in the office.
And then students turned to their phones, and began the horrifying experience of watching
a school shooting unfold at their own school — through the news apps on their phones.
Kelsey Friend, a freshman at the school, appeared alongside Mr. Hogg on CNN,
and grew emotional as she thanked a geography teacher who she said had saved her life.
The fact that a student is not surprised that there was another mass shooting —
but this time it was at his school — says so much about the current state that our country is in, and how much has to be done.”
The violence must stop, he said, issuing a call to pressure lawmakers to act to make schools safer.