Haunted World Trade Center

  • 6 years ago
Evidence of the psychic presence of the Twin Towers continues to grow. 15 years of paranormal phenomena share real estate with the Freedom Tower. \r
It should have been impossible for the passengers or the crew, to make cell phone calls from flight 11, and flight 175, which were flying at 29 thousand feet, and 31 thousand feet, respectively. According to Bill Rojas, a director at IDCAP, cell reception is lost at about 10,000 feet. It truly was miraculous, that at least three calls were successfully placed from flight eleven, and at least four calls from flight 175, that provided us with our only warning, of the terrorist plot.\r
Faces of the devil emerged from the photographs and videos, of the smoke rising from the burning towers, which can still be seen on YouTube many other internet sites. While the Christian bible says that Satan is a fallen angel, the Koran says that Satan was created from fire. In the Jewish bible, Satan is something put in our path, an opportunity for us to grow, an obstacle, to be overcome.\r
It took nine months to clear the the site of debris, totaling 1.8 million tons of rubble. This was moved by the truckload to a Staten Island Landfill. Volunteers there were known as the sifters. They sifted through the rubble and the remains, finding 54 thousand personal objects, and identifying twelve hundred people who had perished. NYPD police sergeant Frank Marra was there, too. He wrote a book about his experience, called, From Landfill to Hallowed Ground.\r
While conducting interviews for his book, a retired crime scene detective asked him, Did you ever hear the stories about the old Red Cross worker, trying to serve sandwiches and coffee out by the sifters?” Thats when Marra remembered he had seen the apparition himself. An African-American woman, dressed in the style of a Red Cross worker from World War II, in a white uniform, holding a tray of sandwiches. At first Marra thought it was another volunteer, but on second glance, the spectre always seemed,, to have disappeared. Other cops had also seen her. Most likely this was a soul collector, helping earthbound spirits to pass on to the other side. \r
Before the tower was re-built, the Millenium Hilton Hotel overlooked the site of Ground Zero. A visitor from the UK stayed there in the summer of 2003, in a room overlooking the site. Though he was alone he remembers feeling, like there was a crowd of people inside his room. He felt unsettling energy, which induced restlessness. He did not sleep that night.\r
The Hilton staff in reception and booking, avoided renting out the rooms on the side of the building with a view of Ground Zero, because of the large number of complaints, from the guests who stayed on that side, some of whom had nightmares, where the victims of 9/11 were pressing themselves, against the windows.\r
In the 9/11 Memorial Museum, the centerpiece is a 30 foot girder, bent and deformed on imp with, the nose of Flight 11. Before the museum was open to the public, a face appeared to construction workers, which can still be seen on the side of the girder. Some of the workers were frightened to work too near to the display. They named it, the Angel of 9/11, because it appears to look down in anguish and horror at museum visitors. \r
The Freedom Tower echoes the fate of its predecessor. In storms with high wind, this building, which is the tallest building in the United States, sings with the voice of an Angelic choir, paying haunting tribute to the loss of three thousand innocent souls.\r
Also it is reported, that between floor 93, and floor 99, of the Freedom Tower, if you are standing at the windows, between the hours of midnight and three A.M., you may experience yourself a most horrific apparition, which is that of a ghost plane, on a glide path from which it cannot disengage, approaching the new tower.


