Suicide Squad: Extended Cut Is a SCAM | CheshireCatStudios Video Podcast

  • 6 years ago
Suicide Squad: Extended Cut Is a SCAM | CheshireCatStudios Video Podcast\r
Recently news broke that despite David Ayers earlier protestations that the theatrical version of Suicide Squad is indeed his true vision of the , and that there is not going to be any directors cut coming to home media any time soon, guess what? There is indeed going to be an extended version of Suicide Squad after all. Thats right folks! With just a couple extra minutes of footage, as well as $30 of your hard earned money, all of Suicide Squads problems can be resolved once and for all!\r
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LaughingMan: Is this what they consider the DC Expanded Universe? Every single fuckingthat they have has a Directors Cut version.\r
CineMax: Yes.\r
LaughingMan: Its likeDLC. For $30 extra you can get the REAL . Not the shit you saw in the theaters.\r
CineMax: This is outrageous, and Ill tell you why: This is basically a money extortion scheme. What Warner Bros. does is it releases and extensibly final version of ato the theaters, and then it has the viewers pay to be quality testers. In addition to reaping the financial rewards, then DC takes all of the criticism that thehas accrued, and then tries to slap together some ultimate version that addresses all the problems. But then of course they sell this for an additional cost. \r
LaughingMan: You get the patch for an extra $30 on Blu-Ray.\r
Nat: Unless they forked out loads of money to replace the woman who plays Enchantress I dont see how theyre going to fix the films problems.\r
LaughingMan: I know. Shes doing this belly-dance shit. You know, like, those inflatable epileptic things that are outside of a car lot? Thats what the Enchantress looked like to me. I am the Enchantress!\r
CineMax: Shes both possessed by a demon and epileptic at the same time. \r
LaughingMan: But according to what Ive seen in the trailer, theyre teasing more Jared Leto and Margot Robbie interions. Like theyre ually going to show more of the stuff that was left on the cutting room floor regarding Joker and Harley Quinn and their quote unquote “romance”. Although from what I understand I doubt theyre going to repair the larger issues which are… Joker and Harley Quinn have always had an abusive relationship. And when they showed that to test audiences they balked. \r
CineMax: But remember that this is a move for the FANS. \r
LaughingMan: Yes, exly. Not the popcorn munching masses, its for the fans!\r
Nat: Yeah, exly. Thats why they changed Enchantresss backstory. Thats why they changed all the costumes. And you know what? I think that if it is just an extra 13 minutes of just Jared Leto scenes, thats still not going to be enough of Jared Letos scenes. He says theres enough in there to potentially make a whole Joker .\r
CineMax: Well apparently from what I heard he had a very different idea of what the final product would even look like, so Im not sure if all of those scenes will even mesh well with this Deadpool-slash-Guardians of the Galaxy mashup that DC executives were apparently going for with Suicide Squad.\r
LaughingMan: In a panic! Theyre like we gotta do dark and gritty! Well Oh Shit, Guardians of the Galaxy is making millions, people like it, and it has a muti-million dollar soundtrack. So that means that in the first five minutes we need to cram in five different fucking songs. And then of course Deadpool comes out and its like, Ohh! Captain Boomerang has to have a unicorn, too! And hes gotta be a little bit on the ual-deviant side, and we need more comedy folks! WE NEED MORE COMEDY! And Im just glad that they didnt do any real fourth-wall breaking. That would have been a fucking mess.\r
Nat: Well I dont know what kind of logic they used to take out Harley Quinn and The Jokers relationship, when that is whats at the heart-\r
CineMax: Feminist Logic!\r
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