Two Koreas to hold 2018 inter-Korean summit on April 27; no agenda yet

  • 6 years ago
The date is set.
The highly anticipated summit between South Korean President Moon Jae-in and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un will be held on April 27th at the inter-Korean border.
However,... the agenda for the meeting is still in the air.
Oh Jung-hee reports.
The two Koreas will hold their third, historic summit on April 27th... at the Peace House located on the South Korean side of the truce village of Panmunjeom.
The announcement came after high-level delegations from Seoul and Pyongyang wrapped up their meeting at Panmunjeom on Thursday afternoon.

"South and North Korea agreed to work together to successfully hold an inter-Korean summit,... in view of the historic significance it would have in terms of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, building peace, and improving inter-Korean relations. With the agreement of both leaders, the South and the North have decided to hold the 2018 Inter-Korean summit on April 27th at the Peace House in Panmunjeom."

For now, it's expected that the Seoul-Pyongyang summit will only last a day.
To prepare, the two Koreas will hold a couple of working-level talks.
The first round will be held on April 4th to discuss protocol, security and press coverage for the summit.
The second meeting will cover communications,... but when and where it's held hasn't yet been decided.
Seoul and Pyongyang will continue exchanging documents as they prepare.

South Korea has had three major topics for President Moon Jae-in to discuss with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un -- denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula, building a lasting peace with lowered tensions,... and finally improving inter-Korean relations.
The two Koreas agreed Thursday that the three items should be taken up at the summit, but the topics couldn't be narrowed down any further.
Asked about the agenda of the summit, North Korea's Ri Son-kwon only said... (quote)"our agenda covers everything in inter-Korean relations."
Seoul has also left open the possibility of holding another round of high-level talks in April... to iron out the details.

"The North Korean side did not mention anything about denuclearization at Thursday's high-level talks.
But, South Korea's unification minister reaffirmed... that denuclearization is a central topic that's been discussed since the January 9th high-level talks and during several trips back and forth between Seoul and Pyongyang.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News."
