20 Questions Girls Are Afraid To Ask Guys

  • 6 years ago
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Transcript: \r
1. Why are guys obsessed with boobs?\r
Have you seen boobs? Boobs are top 5 coolest things ever. Boob, Boob, Butts, Beer, Buffalo Chicken. Its funny im ually more of a vodka soda kinda guy but whatever\r
2. What do you think of all those selfies girls post on social media?\r
YO selfies are fucking awesome - its a cool picture and the person looks just how they want. You know how annoying it is to have someone else take your picture? Were all just checking to see if we look good and ignoring everyone else. *Cutaway?\r
The selfie looks so much better than if somebody else does it - the only bad thing about selfies is when youre taking it you look like a fucking dofus. But come on / Trust me you dont want to know how the chicken nuggets are made, you just want to enjoy them from the comfort of your own car. *Cutaway?\r
3. What do you really want to do on a date?\r
I really really really… want to get through the date without saying something stupid, doing something stupid, ing stupid, or saying something stupid.. So its just like a youtube video\r
4. Thoughts on PDA?\r
I mean theres a difference between tongue slobber making out on the dance floor and something lame. Gross\r
5. Whats so exciting about football?\r
Can you just let us have football please? Just let us sit there like idiots and destroy a couple bags of chips\r
6. What makes a girl dateable versus a fling?\r
I think the best way to look at it is - everybody starts out as a fling and if we click then you turn dateable and hopefully we can date or some shit. Also who says fling? Am i gonna take you to the ice cream social and give you my class ring and punch your father? You bet your balls I am\r
7. Can a guy and a girl be just friends?\r
Yea if one of them is dead. \r
8. Doeson a first date mean shes not girlfriend material?\r
Again - everybody starts out as a stranger and some turn into girlfriend material. If you wanna bang just bang. Man i feel like \r
9. Do you judge girls by their jobs?\r
I mean theres a whole lot to judge girls on besides their jobs. Like if they watch Game of Thrones or their favorite iphone app OOh or if they know who spiderman is - thats a deal breaker. \r
10. What do you do with your friends?\r
I thought we already talked about football… ummm eat chips?\r
11. Why do guys just disappear or ghost instead of talking to a girl when theyre not interested anymore?\r
Whens the last time you broke up with somebody? Its not easy. And if im not interested in you, why are you itching to chat about it? And i feel like if I have a definitive “youre not the one” talk wiht you then i cant ever change my mind. And what if we grow into different people that can get together down the road? Like what if you grow a beard and then suddenly i want to bang you? If we had the breakup talk, that never wouldve happened. \r
12. What celebrities do you think are hot? Why?\r
Hmm… Wonder Woman. Because shes wonder woman\r
13. How hard do you stalk girls social media pages?\r
Hahaha i think youre drastically underestimating the male ability to stalk social media. To us, stalking is clicking on tagged photos on instagram. To girls, stalking is figuring out who the guys crush was in the 5th grade and why she chose to dump him on the swing set SARAH\r
14. Whats the iest thing a girl has ever done for you?\r
One of em hadwith me one time - that was pretty y\r
15. What are your biggest turn-offs?\r
Girls who eat my food\r
16. Turn-ons?\r
17. When do you tell a girl you love her?\r
18. Thoughts on padded bras?\r
Dont say youre a rocket scientist because you can spell NASA\r
19. Where do guys go to for relationship advice?\r
20. How long should you date before having ?\r
…Still lost? Just play Pokemon GO
