12 Paranormal Artifs

  • 6 years ago
These are 12 of the most mysterious paranormal artifs ever discovered!\r
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6. The Baker Mansion Wedding Dress \r
They say that wearing the engagement ring of a broken relationship is sure to bring bad luck, but what about the wedding dress? When Anna Baker fell in love with a local steelworker in the 1800s and her father forbade her to marry him, she refused to try to find love again and died an old maid. Since then, a wedding dress was put on display, and its said to be haunted by her spirit, violently shaking on nights when the moon is full. Poor Anna never got to wear a wedding dress, and her spirit is apparently very angry to see one in her former home.\r
5. Otzi the Ice Man\r
How fitting it is that an ancient corpse is connected to killing all seven of the scientists involved in its discovery. Otzi the Ice Man is a remarkably well-preserved corpse, found in the peaks of the Italian Alps. Its believed he died more than 5,000 years ago, and everyone who has worked on researching his life has died not long after they have begun work. The warrior was said to have been mortally wounded and died between the ages of 30 and 45 and is now angry to have been disturbed after being buried for 53 centuries. 4. The Basano Vase\r
Every culture has its folklore, and the Italians are no different. This carved silver vase, said to have been crafted in the late 1600s, and given to a bride-to-be as a wedding gift. Its unknown whether she died of natural causes or was murdered, but she was apparently clutching the relic as she died. As it has been passed down through the centuries, it has left an impressive death toll in its wake. Legend says it was eventually hidden by a priest and when it was found again, it had a piece of paper in it that read “Beware… This vase brings death.” Every owner thats owned it since it resurfaced has died of mysterious circumstances, and it has now been re-hidden by Italian police in an undisclosed location. \r
3. The Women from Lemb Statue\r
Lord Elephont, Ivor Menucci, Lord Thompson-Noel, and Sir Alan Biverbrook all met with misfortune when they came into possession of this limestone artif. Found in Lemb, Cyprus in 1878, the Goddess of Death, as its called, has claimed the lives of all of its owners and their families to date, and is now locked away safely in a museum to protect anyone else from its deadly paranormal powers. \r
2. Thomas Busbys Chair of Death\r
As a convicted murderer who was about to be hanged for his crimes, Thomas Busbys final request was to eat a meal at his favorite pub. It was granted, and when he stood up, he wished sudden death on anyone who would ever sit in his chair, and his curse stuck. Every single person who has ever sat in the chair has died very shortly after, and the barkeep eventually donated it to a museum. Its now displayed five feet in the air to keep anyone from sitting in it again.\r
1.The Ark of the Covenant\r
This sacred Christian artif is said to hold the tablets on which the Ten Commandments are written, brought down from Mount Sinai. Its said that anyone but the highest of priests who touched it have been struck down by God. While its not ually haunted, legend says that, if it were to fall into the wrong hands, it has the power to bring about end times.
