From the middle of the ocean to the Himalayas, if you want to get away from it all these are 15 places you need to see to believe!\r
Subscribe for weekly wacky videos and learn interesting fs about the world with awesome top 10 lists and other amazing videos.\r
10 - To travel is to live… \r
And wouldnt it be an incredible journey to Baikal, the frozen lakes located in south -central Siberia. Find yourself surrounded by nature – mountains, forests and rivers. Thought to be the worlds oldest and deepest clearest lake – its been around for 25 million years. Youll find over 2000 species of animals and plants, with some not being found anywhere else in the world! Seeing this would be a dream come true for many. \r
9 - Hello Neighbor… \r
You would be able to greet every neighbor you have ever day if you lived on Pitcairn Island in the South Pacific. Its inhabited by 50 people, most of them descendants of crewmembers that rebelled on the HMS Bounty in 1789. Its a very remote island, and forms part of 4 volcanic islands. The only way to leave the island is by shipping boat, which comes past around every 10 days. The British government have been trying to get people to move there, even though its so far away!\r
8 - Peace and Quiet… \r
Thats to be expected in Koryak Okrug – Siberia as there are less than 20 000 people living there. Its been said that its so sparsely populated, that when a massive earthquake hit the area, there were hardly any injuries. In f, everyone survived even though they were close to the epicenter of the quake. \r
7 - Worth the journey… \r
A visit to Supai in Arizona needs to go on your bucket list! There are only around 500 people living in this exquisitely remote location, and if you want to visit you have to be fit, because it involves a lot of hiking. Its at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and its thanks to Mules that theyre even able to get mail. The Us census didnt even count the town in 2000, and its population is recorded as zero. \r
6 - Feeling a little isolated… \r
Rapa Iti looks like a beautiful place to live. Surrounded by pretty high mountains, its only 40 square kilometers, and has just under 500 people living there. Apparently, the Tahitian Choir live there too, along with some endangered birds, including the vulnerable rape fruit dove. Bird Life International have identified it as an important bird area. \r
5 - Limited Access…\r
Although the ual space spans a vast distance, Motuo in China is completely inaccessible. The population has been put down as zero, however that is incorrect – its just impossible to ascertain the correct number. There has to be enough to warrant them building a highway in 1993. It lasted 2 days, had 4 vehicles drive on it – one got stuck and the other was abandoned. The only way you can get food or medicine in there, is by a 200-metre suspension cable 100 meter up in the air! \r
4 - Adventure awaits… \r
Imagine what you could discover by visiting Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic Ocean. Its an archipelago of islands, and the nearest land is South Africa – which is 1700 miles away. There are roughly 271 people living there, and they do have limited access to internet and some television stations. Its one of the most isolated places on earth, airstrips are impossible and the only boats to pass there, very occasionally, are fishing boats. \r
3 - Beauty Unsurpassed… \r
The Republic of Nauru in Micronesia, looks like something from a fairy tale. Its the worlds tiniest island nation, with roughly 10 000 people living there. It used to be called Pleasant Island, yet would you believe that its the least visited country in the world. Apparently Nauruans are some of the most obese people in the world, with the obesity rate in new being 71.1%. It used to be rich in phosphate rock, but that has since been exhausted. \r
2 - In the middle of nowhere… \r
This isolated structure is literally in the middle of the ocean surrounded by the Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm. Its located in the UK, and the first wind turbine was erected in new. This looks like it could be a base for the staff connected to this massive project, that is expected to provide electricity for about 300 000 UK homes and reduce carbon emissions by 600 000 tons a year! \r
1 - For winter lovers… \r
If you dont mind the cold, then take a trip to Oymyakon, an isolated village in the Sakha Republic, Siberia. Temperatures can reach as low as -57°F and has even gone as low as - 90°F. Fur is the only way to keep warm, and apparently, birds have been known to freeze whilst flying, spit freezes before hitting the ground and even water thrown into the air freezes instantly. The village has around 8
Subscribe for weekly wacky videos and learn interesting fs about the world with awesome top 10 lists and other amazing videos.\r
10 - To travel is to live… \r
And wouldnt it be an incredible journey to Baikal, the frozen lakes located in south -central Siberia. Find yourself surrounded by nature – mountains, forests and rivers. Thought to be the worlds oldest and deepest clearest lake – its been around for 25 million years. Youll find over 2000 species of animals and plants, with some not being found anywhere else in the world! Seeing this would be a dream come true for many. \r
9 - Hello Neighbor… \r
You would be able to greet every neighbor you have ever day if you lived on Pitcairn Island in the South Pacific. Its inhabited by 50 people, most of them descendants of crewmembers that rebelled on the HMS Bounty in 1789. Its a very remote island, and forms part of 4 volcanic islands. The only way to leave the island is by shipping boat, which comes past around every 10 days. The British government have been trying to get people to move there, even though its so far away!\r
8 - Peace and Quiet… \r
Thats to be expected in Koryak Okrug – Siberia as there are less than 20 000 people living there. Its been said that its so sparsely populated, that when a massive earthquake hit the area, there were hardly any injuries. In f, everyone survived even though they were close to the epicenter of the quake. \r
7 - Worth the journey… \r
A visit to Supai in Arizona needs to go on your bucket list! There are only around 500 people living in this exquisitely remote location, and if you want to visit you have to be fit, because it involves a lot of hiking. Its at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, and its thanks to Mules that theyre even able to get mail. The Us census didnt even count the town in 2000, and its population is recorded as zero. \r
6 - Feeling a little isolated… \r
Rapa Iti looks like a beautiful place to live. Surrounded by pretty high mountains, its only 40 square kilometers, and has just under 500 people living there. Apparently, the Tahitian Choir live there too, along with some endangered birds, including the vulnerable rape fruit dove. Bird Life International have identified it as an important bird area. \r
5 - Limited Access…\r
Although the ual space spans a vast distance, Motuo in China is completely inaccessible. The population has been put down as zero, however that is incorrect – its just impossible to ascertain the correct number. There has to be enough to warrant them building a highway in 1993. It lasted 2 days, had 4 vehicles drive on it – one got stuck and the other was abandoned. The only way you can get food or medicine in there, is by a 200-metre suspension cable 100 meter up in the air! \r
4 - Adventure awaits… \r
Imagine what you could discover by visiting Tristan da Cunha in the South Atlantic Ocean. Its an archipelago of islands, and the nearest land is South Africa – which is 1700 miles away. There are roughly 271 people living there, and they do have limited access to internet and some television stations. Its one of the most isolated places on earth, airstrips are impossible and the only boats to pass there, very occasionally, are fishing boats. \r
3 - Beauty Unsurpassed… \r
The Republic of Nauru in Micronesia, looks like something from a fairy tale. Its the worlds tiniest island nation, with roughly 10 000 people living there. It used to be called Pleasant Island, yet would you believe that its the least visited country in the world. Apparently Nauruans are some of the most obese people in the world, with the obesity rate in new being 71.1%. It used to be rich in phosphate rock, but that has since been exhausted. \r
2 - In the middle of nowhere… \r
This isolated structure is literally in the middle of the ocean surrounded by the Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm. Its located in the UK, and the first wind turbine was erected in new. This looks like it could be a base for the staff connected to this massive project, that is expected to provide electricity for about 300 000 UK homes and reduce carbon emissions by 600 000 tons a year! \r
1 - For winter lovers… \r
If you dont mind the cold, then take a trip to Oymyakon, an isolated village in the Sakha Republic, Siberia. Temperatures can reach as low as -57°F and has even gone as low as - 90°F. Fur is the only way to keep warm, and apparently, birds have been known to freeze whilst flying, spit freezes before hitting the ground and even water thrown into the air freezes instantly. The village has around 8
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