10 Bizarre Discoveries in China

  • 6 年前
Here are 10 strange and mysterious archaeological discoveries and amazing artifs from history you wont believe were found!\r
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5. Great Wall Extensions\r
The great wall is even more great than we thought! These new sections were found by team of six archeologists in Northwestern China. Lets see the Mongolians try to take it down this time! A six mile stretch was recently uncovered in new and is an additional 6 miles long. This was also made by the Qin Dynasty, about 2000 years ago. Although it doesnt take the form of the great wall were used to seeing in photos, it has still survived a few millennia untouched. This section of wall was built with stones and rammed earth. Its impressive to imagine the discipline and difficulty it must have took to build through valleys and mountain ranges. Its believed that when first built, this wall could have been 20 feet high!\r
4. Mysterious Chinese Pictograms\r
Although this wasnt found in China, this could be a big discovery for world history and could change what we know about the Chinese.These pictograms, if proven to be authentic, could ually prove that it was the Chinese discovered North America and not Christopher Columbus or the Vikings. These symbols were carved into rock in three states; New Mexico, California and Arizona, here in the United States. Author and researcher, John Ruskamp, firmly believes in this theory that the Chinese were here about 2500 years ago. He claims that these discoveries cannot be fake and suggest that there was an expedition and not a settlement. Of course, since this goes against all that we believe in, its certainly met with skepticism. Take a close look at some of these pictograms and judge for yourself.\r
3. The Lion City\r
Also known as the Chinese Atlantis, the ancient city was once a powerful center of politics and an economical trade center in the eastern province of Zhejiang. It is now at the bottom of a land made lake called Qiandao that was the result of a new hydroelectric power station. Surrounded by the lion mountains, it was dubbed Lion City and is below 131 feet of water. Divers have revisited the majestic city and hope to make it a new tourist attrion in China. It still remains in great condition. In this photo you can see what the great place may have once looked like hundreds of years ago. You can still see the great detail of the statues and architecture from 1400 years ago. With all the intricate carving, this would make an excellent place for scuba diving. \r
2. Song Dynasty Tomb\r
This tomb here was discovered in July new by unlikely archeologist! A Chinese high school student, stumbled across this ancient tomb in Jiangjin district in Southwest China. Its definitely not every day you walk into an enormous double chambered ancient burial site, so we imagine this kid was feeling pretty good about himself. Its believed that it was built during the song dynasty sometime between 960 AD to 1279 AD and its quite intricate as you can tell from this photo. The thing is made entirely out of stone and the pillars can rise up to 8 feet. The tomb measures about 28 feet long to 25 feet wide and 10 feet high in some places. Throughout the tomb youll notice carvings of ancient gods, warriors and some plants. Its believed that when it was finished, it was painted making you able to only imagine how beautiful it once was.\r
1.Mysterious Chinese Lines\r
What was going on in the Chinese desert was quite the mystery. Could aliens have come to earth and left these geoglyphs? We have google Earth to thank us for this strange discovery. Here we see some patterns in the Gobi desert that made quite a few people scratch their heads in confusion. Unlike our other discoveries, these ones are much more modern and its believed they were made in new. Some claim that they are used for calibration of Chinas spy satellites, while others tend to think they have much more extraterrestrial origins. And then again many people claimed that these were built as some type of military target set up. When you zoom in a little, you can see cars and trucks that are burnt to a crisp, which certainly seems like they were testing something out there.Could China be developing a secret weapon of mass destruction? Take a look at this one for yourself and let us know what you think.
