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12. The great blue hole- The Great Blue Hole is the name given to the giant underwater sinkhole, located off the coast of belize. The ridiculously large sinkhole is more than 984 feet across, and 410 feet deep and is the largest sinkhole in the entire world. The Great Blue Hole of Belize is a top destination for SCUBA divers from all over the world.\r
11. The black sun- In Denmark, during specific months of the year, over a million European Starlings flock together roughly 30 minutes before sunset causing the phenomenon known as the Black Sun. The birds flock together in these amazing formations from March, until the middle of May. Each flock contains up to 50,000 birds.\r
10. Sardine run- The Sardine run takes place from May through July in Southern Africa when literally billions of sardines are born in the colder waters of the Agulhas Bank and then head north. The large number of sardines serves as a great feeding opportunity for larger fish in the area.. There are several varying theories, some which ually contradict one another, but scientists still do not completely understand why the Sardine Run happens in the first place.\r
9. Sailing stones- Sailing stones, sometimes called rolling stones are stones, or rocks that move through the desert slowly without being touched at all. Generally found in desert like regions, as the rocks move across the ground they leave a trail, allowing one to ually see the path that these rolling stones have taken. Theories on what causes this geographic phenomenon vary.\r
8. Lenticular clouds- Lenticular Clouds are saucer shaped clouds that form near mountainous areas. Due to their shape, they have been confused for UFOs many times throughout history. These bizarre clouds can form one at a time, or stacked on top of each other. Lenticular clouds are formed when air moves over mountains and cools down enough for condensation to happen. What separates these from all other types of clouds, is that lenticular clouds dont move at all.\r
7. Lake natron- Located in the Arusha Region of Tanzania, this creepy lake seems like something straight out of a science fiction . Although Lake Natron serves as a breeding ground for the Lesser Flamingo, it is almost completely uninhabitable because of its unusually high temperatures that reach up to 140 degrees fahrenheit. What is even more strange, is the f that Lake Natron has a blood-red color, caused by the beria living in its water. But perhaps the strangest aspect of this unique body of water is that its salt and soda content is so high, animals who die in the water calcify, and are perfectly preserved.\r
6. Bioluminescent waves- Fluorescent plankton are responsible for illuminating waves washing ashore in Vaadhoo Island, Maldives, making for a surreal and beautiful sight to behold. This specific area is home to an unusually large number of bioluminescent phytoplankton whose chemical energy is turned to light-energy as they wash ashore, giving the waves a beautiful blue-ish glow.\r
5. Frost flower- The frost flower is a beautiful ice crystal formation that only forms under the right set of circumstances. Frost flowers are only able to form on young sea ice or thin ice of a lake in extremely cold and calm weather. The weather has to be so cold in f, that the outside temperature must ually be colder than the underlying ice. \r
4. Shilin Stone Forest- The Shilin Stone forest is the chinese equivalent of Stonehenge and has remained a mystery to archeologists since its discovery. The beautiful formations hold their own place in Chinese culture and folklore as well.\r
3. Underwater crop circles- These strange formations found on the ocean floor have been referred to as underwater crop circles. The formations were first found in 1995 off the coast of southern Japan and are roughly seven feet in diameter. There was no explanation for these strange underwater formations until new, when a male puffer fish was ually spotted creating one. The formations take between seven and nine days for the male puffer fish to create and are used as a way to attr female puffer fish.\r
2. Devils Marbles: The Devils Marbles are two extremely large rocks in Northern Territory, Australia. They have become something of a tourist attrion and are ually sacred to the Aboriginal people of the region.\r
1. Cueva de los Cristales- Cueva de los Cristales, otherwise known as the Cave of the Crystals is an amazing cave located in Chihuahua, Mexico. The cave contains crystal formations like no other formations in the world, such as selenite crystals which are among the largest natural crystals, and is truly an amazing sight to behold. The cave is ually located nearly 1,000 feet below the surface of C
