The Importance of a Creche

  • 6 years ago
The Importance of a Creche

Parental leave, be it maternal, paternal or adoption, at some point, we all need to return to work. So often is the discussion had about who's going to give up work and usually that's the lower earner (if you're a couple) but what if you're a single parent or what if you just want to go back to work? For many, childcare costs mean working isn't worth it. Shouldn't every workplace then, have a crèche?

If you live in London, (UK), then the cost of childcare will be higher for you than anywhere else in the country. It is likely you can't afford to go back to work because of the cost of childcare or you wouldn't be making any money if you did, so why would you. Let's look at the pros and the cons of a crèche in the workplace that could facilitate working parents to return to their roles and take new babies or children with them.


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