• 7 年前
Quadruplets?! | Earls Family Vlogs\r
Subscribe: \r
We love Surprises: \r
Ive been having all kinds of pregnancy symptoms lately and boy is it getting harder for me to vlog! We are in the process of moving right now as well. Thank you for being patient with us!! Hope you enjoy this video, be sure to give it a thumbs up if you did! Thank you for the constant love and support! \r
Watch More Earls Family Vlogs: \r
Journey to Baby Earls: \r
Favorites: \r
We love Surprises: \r
Surprise Pregnancy Announcement: \r
Siri Told My Mom Im Pregnant: \r
Telling Harolds Parents Im Pregnant: \r
Pregnancy Announcement To Family: \r
Honeymoon: \r
Honeymoon Vlogs: (17 different Countries)\r
Challenge Videos:\r
Bean Boozled Challenge: \r
Husband does my makeup challenge \r
Whats that sounds challenge \r
The 7 Second Challenge \r
Dont Break the Chain Challenge \r
Whats In my Hand Challenge: \r
Whats in my hand challenge part 2: \r
The Whisper Challenge: \r
The Whisper Challenge Part 2: \r
Follow Rachel Earls: \r
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Photography instagram: \r
Rachels Channel: \r
Follow Harold Earls: \r
Instagram: \r
Twitter: \r
Follow Earls Family Vlogs on Facebook: \r
Ranger & Trackers Instagram: \r
Send Mail To:\r
Rachel & Harold Earls\r
PO BOX 671\r
Hinesville, GA 31310\r
History of The Earls Family (Place in Main Channel About too!)\r
Rachel and Harold met in new while they were both in college. Rachel went to The Florida State University and Harold went to The United States Military Academy- West Point. \r
Rachel started this youtube channel in new after graduating college. It became Rachel Earls Vlogs where she documented everything from preparing for their wedding in new, their European honeymoon adventure, and their life together as newlyweds. Eventually we renamed this channel to Earls Family Vlogs as we have a baby on the way and our family continues to grow.\r
Rachel and Harold Earls have one baby boy on the way (we havent announced his name yet), and hope to have more children very soon! They have two dogs: Ranger, who is an australian shepherd and Tracker, an australian cattle dog! \r
Harold currently serves in the United States Army and Rachel shares about the ups and downs of being a military spouse. \r
They are a Christian family who strive to live by the saying Rachel started saying in the vlogs: Love God, Love People, Make a Difference & Be Thankful\r
Welcome to The Earls Fam :)


