The Brook - CBSE English Lesson Class 9

  • 6 years ago
The Brook - CBSE English Class 9 written by Alfred Lord TENNYSON - An Explanation by Commander S.Mohan.\r
Born: 1809\r
Died : 1892\r
Alfred Lord Tennyson, First Baron, FRS, was Poet Laureate of Great Britain and Ireland. He is known as a Victorian poet, since he lived during much of Queen Victorias reign. He remains one of Britains most popular poets.\r
The poem vividly describes the path of a stream -- from the place of its origin to where it ultimately joins the river.\r
It has been written in the form of an autobiography, where the brook relates its experiences as it flows to join the river. \r
Such a device where an inanimate object is brought alive is called Personification.\r
Enjoy the poem! \r
Listen to the lyrics, the little in the words, and the lusty rhythm as you listen to the poem.\r
Then we will focus on some unfamiliar words.\r
Haunts - places frequently visited; coot - a type of water-bird\r
Hern - heron, a big eagle\r
Sally - to appear suddenly; bicker - when water flows down noisily Have you heard bickering amongst people?\r
People argue (blah blah blah!) noisily !\r
Let us continue.....\r
Thorpe - a village. Treble - a high-pitched tone\r
Eddy - spiral movement in water\r
Babble - the sound of someone talking gaily\r
I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance.\r
This is poetic device is called Alliteration. Can you think of some more ?\r
I chatter over stony ways, In little sharps and trebles, I bubble into eddying bays, I babble on the pebbles.\r
Fallow - piece of land left uncultivated, \r
to make it fertile again. \r
Which bank of this brook is fallow?\r
Foreland - piece of land that extends into the sea.\r
Shingly bars - small, rounded pebbles \r
Hazel - a small tree with nuts that are edible (Hazelnuts )\r
Forget-me-nots - a flower cherished by lovers to declare their eternal love for each other.\r
The naughty brook moves the forget-me-nots, to some place downstream, thus causing doubt and misunderstanding between lovers!\r
Lusty trout - a big, feisty freshwater fish\r
Grayling - a small, silvery freshwater fish which abounds in the \r
sparkling waters upstream .\r
Can you see the hills, bridges, and ridges ?\r
Nature is eternal..\r
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