芥末手撕雞 - 送禮勤 Wasabi Shredded Chicken - Facebook Giveaway

  • 6 years ago
My attempt on a famous local hawker food, plus Ill be giving away a few goodies to you all.\r
2/3人份量 - For 2/3 people\r
雞1隻約1斤 - 1 small chicken around 700g \r
海蜇200克 - 200g of shredded jellyfish\r
火腿4片 - 4 pieces of cooked ham\r
飛魚子2茶匙 - 2tbsp of flying fish roe\r
薑2片 - 2 slices of ginger\r
蔥1條 - 1 stalk of spring onion\r
鹽少許 - salt \r
芥末半湯匙 - half tbsp of wasabi\r
沙律(蛋黃)醬3湯匙 - 3tbsp of mayonaise\r
辣椒1條 - 1 chili\r
麻油2茶匙 - 2tbsp of sesame oil\r
喼汁 (英式黑醋)2茶匙 - 2tsp of worcestershire sauce\r
生抽1茶匙 - 1tsp of light soy sauce\r
糖半茶匙 - half tsp of sugar


