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From the time capsule hidden inside the White House, to the LARGEST Time Capsule in the World, these are the 10 COOLEST Time Capsules Ever ! \r
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#5 - A Time Capsule From a Mental Hospital\r
While renovating an old mental hospital in 1958, a construction crew found a time capsule from the staff that worked there. The only thing in the capsule was a film made by the staff talking to us, the people of the future. Much of the audio in the film has been lost but what can be gathered is an optimistic message regarding electroshock therapy and psychiatric drugs. One of the audible parts says “When the psychiatrists of the future open this time capsule, only they will be able to tell how well weve solved our treatment problems, not only today but in the future.” The capsule may not have had valuable treasure, but the f that the people in the film were communicating with the people of the future is pretty darn cool. \r
#4 - The Largest Time Capsule in the World\r
The idea for the largest time capsule in the world came from the local Nebraskan celebrity, Harold Keith Davisson. He wanted something to show his grandkids what life was like in 1975. So, in 1975 he built and buried a 45-ton vault on the front lawn of his home furnishings and appliance store. According to his daughter, who was present for the entire process, inside is a collection of 5,000 items with everything from a pair of bikini bottoms and a mens suit to a brand new Chevy Vega. In 1983, Davisson added another section on top of the original time capsule to ensure that his was still, in f, the biggest in the world. In the second capsule, he entombed a beat-up Toyota to show what society can do to a vehicle in just ten years. The time capsule is set to be opened on July 4th, 2025 but unfortunately, that will be an event that Davisson will have to miss since he passed away in 1999.\r
#3 - Time Capsule Safe Found in Tennessee Farmhouse\r
On a farmhouse in rural Tennessee, an elderly couple passed away and left their farmhouse to their grandson who was in for a surprise. As a child, he had visited the farmhouse and his grandparents often, it was the place they read the book Treasure Island to him, all the while he never knew that one day the farmhouse would become the true source of treasure. He stumbled upon the safe when he was trying to clean out the house after his grandparents passing, and he recorded the nine-day journey on the social platform, Reddit. In new the user who goes but the username “Evilenglish” posted on Reddit that he had found a safe in his grandparents house. What first caught his attention was the dirty carpet in a closet under the stairs, as he pulled up a corner of the carpet he noticed that there was a large concrete block underneath which he found odd since the entire upstairs was made from hardwood. Driven by curiosity, he pulled up the rest of the carpet to reveal a rounded cap with a circle indentation. He pulled off the cap to find a secret safe. After trying a few combinations, he decided to call a locksmith to crack the safe open. Once inside he found a treasure trove of coins and dollar bills. His grandfather had been an avid collector of coins, but Evilenglish had believed they found them all in other safes his grandfather had owned.\r
#2 - The Time Capsule From MIT\r
In 1957, the students and staff from MIT buried a time capsule in the land that was now being dug up to allow room for a new building. During the creation of the new building, construction workers accidently cracked the large glass capsule, exposing the contents to the atmosphere. The time capsule wasnt supposed to be opened until the year 2957, and the Director of Collections at MIT says that the school plans on honoring that timeline. They will work to repair the crack in the glass and rebury the capsule until the year 2957. The contents of the capsule are some of the coolest weve seen yet including newspaper clippings, a university mug, old coins, a cryotron, and a vial of penicillin. \r
#1 - The Time Capsule of the White House\r
From 1997 to 1999, the staff of the White House sought, and collected items that they felt would best represent the artifs, ideas, and accomplishments of the American people during that section of history. The time capsule was buried in Washington DC in 2000 and is scheduled to be cracked open in 2100. The capsule includes a ton of awesome items one of which was a twinkie that was later removed before the capsule was buried to that it wouldnt attr mice. Some of the other items included are Ray Charless sunglasses, a model of the double helix model, or DNA, a film reel showing Neil Armstrongs moon landing, Louis Armstrongs trumpet, a model of the Liberty Bell,


