WITCH SCHOOL FIRST DEGREE (Lesson 1 - part 1) Notes

  • 6 years ago
Lesson One -- Magic\r
The universe and everything around you is composed of energy.\r
As above, so below talks about worlds existing within worlds. As the universe is made up of millions and millions of atoms, so are we. \r
The electromagnetic energy that holds electrons and protons together has many names;\r
1. Chi (Asia)\r
2. Mana (Polynesia)\r
3. Orenda (Iroquois)\r
4. Od (German)\r
5. The force (Star wars)\r
6. Psychic energy (contemporary)\r
Magic: The art of consciously focusing and controlling energy through focused will and effort we use the universal energy to affect the things around us As energy res to thought and emotion, thought and emotion can be used to influence it.\r
Thoughts and emotion are mental stimuli used to control and affect energy. A good example of physical stimuli is yoga. \r
We do not control energy at our ordinary level of consciousness, magic is performed from a higher level of consciousness; The Higher Self.\r
It is not difficult to attain this level, you can learn to do it and access it on command. This is called Shifting Consciousness.\r
A number of fors can help bring about this state of consciousness, such as specific words,ritual patterns, stones, calming music. Such things have the power to put the user into the right frame of mind and are called Keys.\r
Magic is powerful and can be used to change the things and situations around us, but as the Wiccan Rede states An it harm none, do what ye will we should only use magic in a positive way and not to harm others. We should also never bend the will of others, or perform magic concerning them without their permission.\r
As Wiccans, we know that if we were to break the rules and perform magic against others, we would see the ugly face of Karma.\r
Karma dictates that every ion you take you will also experience in time, from the receiving end. So when you do something good for another, you will receive good karma back to you. If you do something bad, you will receive bad karma and experience what you put out. This is very important to remember in your prise.\r
Wiccans also believe in the Law of Three or the Threefold Law, which says that what you do not only comes back to you once, but multiple times.\r
Magic and Psychism are two different things. Magic is performing an ion, giving something to the universe to complete your chosen goal. Psychism is receiving information or signs from the universe. Performing Psychically. \r
One of the most important aspects of magical working is Psychic Hygiene. Psychic Hygiene prevents excess energy from blocking your body. Excess energy can stop you from working properly, and cause problems like headaches and light-headedness. \r
After any magical working, you should make a point of clearing and releasing this excess energy, this is called Grounding.\r
You should ground before and after any psychic work, but this is not the only time grounding is important. Most people on a magical path tend to pick up energy from others -- usually emotional energy. Some people also pick up on another persons emotional,mood and tension level without knowing it.\r
The same techniques used in psychic hygiene can also be used to rid yourself of these emotional pick-ups. Because we tend to pick up from others in this way, Psychic shielding is also important. \r
Psychic Shielding is basically strengthening your own barriers so that you dont pick up any energy you dont want.\r
Its good to prise Psychic Shielding regularly -- even daily -- as it helps to strengthen the Aura, or field of spiritual energy.\r
Psychic Shielding should be done daily along with your other psychic exercises.\r
Clearing and Releasing of excess energy is extremely important.\r
It is important to do this before a magical working so that the energy flows freely and after so that the excess energy left over will cause you no problems.\r
There are many signs of excess energy;\r
2.Lack of balance\r
3.Feeling giddy\r
Excess energy may also be marked by hyperivity and/or the inability to sleep or rest after a magical working.\r
A technique to clear and release is to imagine white light pouring down on you and as it washes through you it takes away all the negativity and excess energy with it. \r
Spell for Lesson One\r
You will need;\r
A bathtub\r
A handful of seasalt\r
A handful of dried rosemary\r
A handful of dried sage\r
White candles (as many as you wish)\r
A mirror\r


