D-10 to 2018 Inter-Korean summit

  • 6 years ago
Our top story this afternoon...
The 2018 Inter-Korean Summit is fast approaching, with more talks on the summit agenda set for Wednesday.
President Moon Jae-in has called the summit a 'one-time chance' to solve the issues between the two Koreas,... and Seoul hopes the highly-anticipated meeting can be a stepping stone towards peace on the Peninsula.
Cha Sang-mi reports.
There's just ten days to go until the historic 2018 inter-Korean summit.
It has even been given an official slogan - "Peace, a New Start".
The phrase mirrors the Korean people's hope that the April 27th summit will serve as a new start for peace between the two Koreas.
The summit is the first meeting between the leaders of the two Koreas in 11 years, after the 2007 summit between then-South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun and Kim Jong-un's father Kim Jong-Il.
The upcoming summit is set to take place on the southern side of the demarcation line at the truce village of Panmunjom.

President Moon Jae-in reportedly sees the event as "a one-time chance" to tackle the problems on the Korean Peninsula that have lingered on from the Cold War period.

"Rather than try to resolve all the issues at once, please prepare for the summit with the thoughts of making the event a stepping stone towards restoring South-North Korea ties and towards the peace and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula."

The preparations for the April 27th summit will mostly be wrapped up at the inter-Korean working-level talks on Wednesday.
Officials from both sides will negotiate details of the protocol, security, communication, and media coverage for the day.
Some 2-thousand-500 local and foreign reporters will cover the historic inter-Korean summit at a large-scale press center that's being set up at the Korea International Exhibition Center in Ilsan, Gyeonggi-do Province, as well as a smaller press room just 50 meters away from the Peace House in Panmunjom.

The agenda of the summit will include the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, building peace, and improving inter-Korean relations.
There is some expectation that the inter-Korean summit will culminate in an April 27th agreement,... and that it could be a starting point for the U.S.-North Korea summit in May.
Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.
