• 6 years ago
Here is a list of 10 of the best inventions kids ever dreamt up! Do you use any of these? Did you know that the inventor could be as old as your child?!\r
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5. Makin Bacon\r
Bacon is possibly one of the best tasting foods in the world, we all know this! But it can get a little messy sometimes and the grease just makes it seem a tad too unhealthy. A young girl by the name of Abbey Fleck came up with an invention, when she noticed that they didnt have any paper towels to soak up the bacon grease! They then came up with the idea,” hey, why dont we just hang up bacon while it cooks and the grease will come off due to gravity”? That would essentially make paper towels unnecessary and make bacon even healthier. In 1993, her and her father began spending time trying to come up with a design that could do this. The end result was a microwaveable plate with three upright bars to put the bacon on. This idea seemed to bring their desired end result and eventually patented. They went on to take out a loan and in 2001 the father daughter duo brought in 1 million dollars in royalties! These bacon dishes are now being sold in Walmart, kmart and at target\r
4. Water Skiing\r
For those who are good at it and have access to a boat, water skiing can be an extremely enjoyable hobby. But did you know, this hobby was dreamt up by a kid? Thats right. In 1922 an 18 year old watersports enthusiast, Ralph Samuelson, decided to test out his idea of being able to move on water similar to how skiers move on snow at Lake Pepin, Minnesota. He ually first used snow skis while being dragged by a boat, but he probably learned a harsh lesson that this didnt work. He later on came up with a prototype that included leather which eventually worked. Samuel spent much of his time, about 15 years, promoting the new sport and putting on shows where hed use his invention. He even used a boat that hit speeds of 80 miles an hours during one show in the 1940s. Too bad for him however that he never patented the idea. He probably didnt realize how much itd catch on in the future.\r
3. The Television\r
Possibly one of the most important inventions of all time, the television was credited to a few inventors, one of them, a 15 year old boy named Philo T. Farnsworth. The teen was an important contributor, coming up with sketches, diagrams and notes, in order to make this revolutionary product a reality during 1921. One year later, he showed his chemistry teacher a plan for the part of the television that would ually make this idea work, called the image dissector. By the age of 21 he managed to transmit the first electronic image. During the same year, he put on the first public demonstration, amazing everyone! By 1971, the average TV set he designed still contained roughly 100 parts he designed.\r
2. Earmuffs\r
When winter comes around, a handy pair of earmuffs are sure to keep you warm! The design was fairly simple if you think about it but it wasnt really invented until the late 19th century. 15 year old Chester Greenwood finally came up with the idea when he was getting tired of having cold ears all the time, in his home state of Maine. He basically just took a wire and added fur on both ends as a prototype. He kept on improving his original model and eventually in the 1870s he obtained a patent. Such a simple idea turned out extremely profitable when he was paid to keep the ears of soldiers warm during The first World War. He didnt just stop there. He came up with other inventions like the steel toothed rake, a design for the tea kettle and wooden spools for wire and thread.\r
1. Braille\r
Braille is a language read through touch and most often used by blind people or with seeing problems. This invention has made reading possible for thousands of people and it was thanks to a young man named Louis Braille. Born in Coupvray, France, Louis lost his eyesight at the age of 3. He attended the national institute for the Blind Youth, in Paris where him and his colleagues yearned to read books but were limited by their disability. He was inspired to create a more prical form of tile books. He began studying a military code, the French called, Ecriture Nocturne, which was designed to be at night on the battlefield. By the age of 15 he invented the writing system we know of today, whereof bumps create letters and his first publication came in 1837.


