Chinese President Xi Jinping to visit Pyongyang possibly in June

  • 6 years ago
시진핑 북미 정상회담 이후 평양 방문

Earlier this week, China and North Korea have been holding talks about a visit by President Xi Jinping to the reclusive state.
The latest coming from CNN is this: Pyongyang is using its Beijing embassy to arrange Xi's itinerary which will possibly take place in early June.
For details we turn to Won Jung-hwan.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un made a surprise trip to Beijing to meet Chinese President Xi Jinping in late March and invited him to visit Pyongyang.
According to a recent report by CNN on Wednesday,… Chinese President Xi Jinping has accepted the invitation and is preparing to visit North Korea.

Xi's visit is likely to take place following the summit between Kim and U.S. President Trump in May or early June, according to CNN. If the visit takes place, it would mark the first of its kind since 2012.

Xi's possible trip to Pyongyang appeared to have been on the agenda of a weekend meeting between the North Korean leader and a visiting senior Chinese official.

Song Tao, the chief of Beijing's international liaison department, arrived in Pyongyang last week heading a performance art delegation.
During Song's stay in Pyongyang,... Kim met the official twice on Saturday and Wednesday.

According to the regime's Korean Central News Agency,… Kim told Song that the Chinese art troupe's trip to Pyongyang helped strengthen ties between North Korea and China.

Ahead a series of unprecedented diplomatic events, Pyongyang is seemingly also working on strengthening and underscoring its alliance with its most prominent ally, Beijing.
Won Jung-hwan, Arirang News.


