• 7 years ago
Today, CancerBro will meet Mrs Owen, who has recently been diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

In his usually medical interrogations, he asks Mrs. Owens several questions which are important to understand the various risk factors of ovary cancer.

Watch the full conversation to get a better view of how an ovarian cancer patient presents.

Video transcript:

To make you understand the disease better, we will meet Mrs Owen today. She has recently been diagnosed with ovarian cancer.

Mrs. Owen is a 65 year old lady, who lives with her husband. They don't have any children.

She has recently been diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Let's meet her.

Cancerbro: Hi Mrs. Owen, I am very sorry to hear about your illness. How are you feeling today?
Mrs. Owen: CancerBro, me and my husband were very worried when I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, but after coming here and talking to you we are feeling a bit relaxed.

CancerBro: That' great Mrs. Owen. I am always there for my patients. Can I ask you a few questions related to your disease?
Mrs. Owen: Yeah, sure CancerBro, why not? Please go ahead.

CancerBro: What were your complaints for which you consulted your doctor?
Mrs. Owen: I had abdominal pain, increased abdominal size and difficulty eating and feeling full for last three months. It was associated with increased urinary frequency and urgency.

CancerBro: When did you start having menses and when did you get married? Mrs. Owen: My menses started at 11 years and I got married at 34 years of age.

CancerBro: When did you attain menopause? Did you take any hormone replacement therapy after menopause? Mrs. Owen: I attained menopause at 56 years. Yes, I was on hormone replacement therapy after menopause.
CancerBro: Did anyone else in your close relatives had ovarian, breast or any other cancer?
Mrs. Owen: Yes, my mother had a breast cancer and my mother's sister had ovarian cancer.

I think you must have got an idea how a patient with ovarian cancer presents and what are the risk factors for the disease.

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