• 7 years ago
In previous video, Cancerbro met with Mr. Parker who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Today, CancerBro will explain what are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer in detail.

Video Transcript:

CancerBro, what are the symptoms of pancreatic cancer?

The symptoms of the pancreatic cancer depends mainly on the site ot the disease.

Most common site for pancreatic cancer is the head and uncinate process of pancreas.

Jaundice and biliary colic are the most common symptoms produced by tumors in this location, due to the obstruction of bile duct which passes through the head of pancreas.

Due to the close proximity to the duodenum, head of pancreas tumors may lead to duodenal obstruction leading to GI distress.

Obstruction of the pancreatic ducts may occur due to the tumors present in the head of pancreas

Also by tumors present in other parts, such as the tail of pancreas.

Obstruction of the pancreatic duct may led to the development of acute pancreatitis, which presents as pain in the abdomen.

It also prevents the release of pancreatic enzymes into the intestine, which presented as steatorrhea, or fatty stools.

Except these, other symptoms of pancreatic cancer are, abdominal pain, aching/pressure/burring sensation in abdomen, loss of weight or appetit3, and very rarely, venous thrombosis.

These were the symptoms of pancreatic cancer. A knowledge of these symptoms is important to consult a doctor at an early stage before the disease becomes very advanced.

About CancerBro - Cancer bro is a team of young, compassionate, highly qualified doctors and engineers who choose to look beyond themselves and help the society. Spreading cancer awareness is the objective which will be fulfilled by three facets of education, information and support. Combating any problem starts with awareness and information, with this approach we have built an impeccable information and educational channel. Inclusion of animated videos, expert blogs, articles and open contribution from various doctors, experts and even patients makes our website highly reliable.

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