Photographer hangs upside down for perfect wedding shot

  • 6 years ago
A wedding photographer went all out to take a memorable photo and emerged as a viral sensation in the process.

Vishnu, 23, climbed a tree while on an assignment and hanged upside down while focusing his lens on a newly married couple.

What came out was not just a stunning photo, but also a video, which went viral showing the dangling photographer swinging from a branch with remarkable agility.

Vishnu, had been assigned by Whiteramp, a wedding photography agency, to cover the wedding of Shiaz and Navya in Thrissur, south India, on April 15.

As the couple posed for the photos near a tree, Vishnu thought of climbing it to attempt a top angle photo. After the couple agreed to the idea he climbed the tree, locked his legs around a branch, and swooped down with the camera.

A videographer, who was on the spot, opted to focus on the photographer than the couple. He produced a short video that went viral turning Vishnu into a social media sensation overnight, earning him a nickname "vavval," which means bat in his native Malayalam.

Vishnu’s company now offers "vavval photography" for an additional charge. The actual fee, however, depends on the kind of tree, the rate card points out.

