Jag Ghoomeya the ultimate song in Sultan has released with much fanfare. Whoa! Aren't we totally blown over by this foot tapping number which is set to break records for sure. With a unique ability to hook the masses Salman Khan has always reached upto his fans in his own chichora way. Yes that is what Farah Khan the choreographer of another song in the flick says about Salman. She says Salman can carry off a chichora step with style. Isn't it a wonderful way of managing ones stardom? Yea for all those who are Sallu fans here is the next rock song for you to groove and enjoy. Jag Ghoomaya song has all the elements Rhythm, Beat, Surr and Fun. Sultan the muscle flexing to be released during Eid and is sure to be the blockbuster of the year and Jag Ghoomeya has all that you would want in a Salman song. Go listen in.