• 7 years ago
In this video, CancerBro will explain treatment for metastatic colon cancer treatment.

Video Transcript:

Now, we come to the treatment for metastatic colon cancer.

It may present as metastasis to liver or lungs.

It may also present as metastasis to both, lungs and liver.

Or peritoneum in the form of peritoneal or omental deposits to one or both the ovaries.

Very rarely, it may also spread to brain or bones.

For most cases of metastatic disease, chemotherapy is the treatment of choice.

But CancerBro, surgery was done in my case for metastatic disease?

In some cases of metastasis to liver, when the disease involves only a certain part of liver, surgery maybe possible.

So, if initially the metastasis involves a large part of liver. But after giving chemotherapy it regresses to a small part, surgery maybe tried.

The final decision to do surgery or not is taken by the oncologist on an individual patient basis, after assessing the exact pattern of liver involvement by the tumor, performance status of the patient along with other factors.

Other modalities are also being used to address the liver metastasis.

One such modality is embolization, in which different kinds of substances are injected through the heptic artery. It is called as chemo embolization, if chemotherpay is injected.

Radio embolization, if radio isotopes are injected. And arterial embolization, if small particles and beads are injected to block the artery.

Other such method to address the liver metastasis is called as ablation, in which a probe is inserted to destroy the metastatic site.

It is called as radiofrequency ablation, if radio frequency waves are used to destroy the tumor. Microwave ablation, if microwaves are used.

Cryoablation, if cold gases are used to freeze the tumor. Percutaneous ethanol injection may also be used to destroy the tumor cells.

CancerBro, in my case, surgery was done even after the disease had spread to lungs.

Similar to the liver metastasis, if lung metastasis involves a very small part of the lung, which can be removed safely, surgery may be possible.

Even in limited metastasis in both liver and lungs, surgery may be tried.

But these are very selective situations, in which a number of factors have to be considered, before taking up for surgery.

Read full transcript here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsRsBI5SUEI&