Leaders of two Koreas vow new history of peace at summit

  • 6 years ago
MPC 연결: 두 정상 새 역사 희망하며 회담 시작
The leaders for the two Koreas are set for lunch around now... as they hold their first summit in over a decade in Panmunjom.
Let's get the latest developments from our Park Ji-won from the 2018 Inter-Korean Summit Press Center at the KINTEX Convention Center.
Ji-won, what's the latest there?

Hello. Aram.

Well, currently the two leaders temporarily halted the summit meeting for a lunch time,... and the official briefing was held here,...about half an hour ago,... by YOON Young-chan, Senior Secretary. for Public Relations at the South Korean presidential office.

Yoon gave reporters here detailed remarks by the two leaders,... from their first encounter at Panmunjom a few hours ago.... to their summit meeting at the Peace House, where the meeting is held.

Upon meeting, Kim said it's more meaningful that the summit is held at a symbolic place of confrontation between the two Koreas,..
and South Korean president Moon Jae-in said in return that he hopes the talks could continue for multiple more times,... across the nation,... from South Korea's southern resort island of Jejudo to Paikdu Mountain in North Korea.

And what drew attention among reporters was that when Kim Jong-un crossed over the border and came to the South Korean side, he took South Korean President Moon Jae-in's hand and invited him to the north side,... so Moon also stepped onto the northern side. It was quite the sight to behold.

And in the guest book at the Peace House, where the summit is being held,... Kim Jong-un wrote that (quote) "new history begins now; at the starting point of the period of peace."
They began their talks from 10.15 a.m.,... some fifteen minutes earlier than scheduled.
President Moon Jae-in was accompanied by Presidential Chief of Staff Im Jong-seok, National Intelligence Service Chief Suh Hoon,... while Kim Jong-un was with his sister Kim Yo-jong, and North Korea's ceremonial leader Kim Yong-nam.
During the two leaders' opening statements,... which was televised,... Kim said he hoped the two Koreas do not repeat the past patterns of inter-Korean relations,... where promises were made, canceled, then the Koreas go back to square one
Instead,... he said he hoped the two can build a future together hand in hand.
In return,... President Moon complemented Kim's courageous act,... saying he hopes the two Koreas can reach agreements,... so the talks could yield a big surprise for all the people in the world who yearn for peace.
And let's see what surprising agreements and results they will come out with.
That's all I have for now, and I will bring more in a later newscast.
Back to you.