North and South Korea Agree to End War and Denuclearize Peninsula

  • 6 years ago
North and South Korea Agree to End War and Denuclearize Peninsula The historic meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-In took place at the demilitarized zone on Friday. Kim and Moon agreed to end the war that took place in the early 1950s, as well as the “complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula." “We talked about peace and prosperity. A bold decision has been made. Big applause should be given to Kim Jong Un.” Moon Jae-In Kim echoed the sentiments of Moon, saying he hopes for a better future between the two countries. “Same people, same blood, so we cannot be separated and should live together in unification. I hope we live together soon as a new path forward.” Kim Jong Un “We will never repeat the past mistakes. A new history begins now." The two men agreed to a meeting in Pyongyang later this year. President Trump weighed in on the historic summit Friday morning.


