• 7 years ago
FROM THE ARCHIVES comes another sampling of the public Oratory of NICHOLAS and HUE, with their contrasting styles of address. "Once again Nicky and Me hammer-on about the evil of zionism," says Hue. "If you can't be un-PC at Speakers' Corner... you might as well shut it down!"

In recent years only small audiences now assemble on a Sunday at Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park. With a wondrous wise web of ideas, information and alternatives online, there's no need these days to grow tired standing, hoping to hear some edifying exhort ...while risking rain and a cold. Although ~ for a live, 'interactive' experience ~ nothing quite beats Speakers' Corner in London.

"I've named this one 'STARSKY & HUTCH GET REAL' [once again requisitioning the names of William Blint's famous ideosyncratic U.S. cops] to invoke our earlier 'shouts' from 2004, edited as 'STARSKY & HUTCH GET ANGRY'," explains Hue.

"Such a shame THAT ONE hasn't had nearly the number of views it deserves ~ easily being one of the best videos of Speakers' Corner of all time. Same goes for my first film, 'A SUNDAY IN PARADISE'.

It's baffling why the public elect to watch threadbare old religious arguments instead, where nothing new or worthwhile is being said. People might think: 'oh, ten thousand views …must be good'. Don't you believe it!"
