• 7 yıl önce
Ten Colorful Birds In The Bed | Nursery Rhymes | Fun Nursery Rhymes by Doo Doo Kids Songs

There were ten in the bed
And the little one said,
"Roll over! Roll over!"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out

There were nine in the bed
And the little one said,
"Roll over! Roll over!"
So they all rolled over
And one fell out

There were eight in the bed
And the little one said,
"Roll over! Roll over!"
So they all rolled over
and one fell out

There were seven in the bed
And the little one said,
"Roll over! Roll over!"
So they all rolled over
and one fell out

There were six in the bed
And the little one said,
"Roll over! Roll over!"
So they all rolled over
and one fell out

There were five in the bed
And the little one said,
"Roll over! Roll over!"
So they all rolled over
and one fell out

There were four in the bed
And the little one said,
"Roll over! Roll over!"
So they all rolled over
and one fell out

There were three in the bed
And the little one said,
"Roll over! Roll over!"
So they all rolled over
and one fell out

There were two in the bed
And the little one said,
"Roll over! Roll over!"
So they all rolled over
and one fell out

There was one in the bed
And the little one said,
"Good night!"

Watch the Doo Doo Kids Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkRCLg8t2mlS0zogtkLYYXns4T03xygtm

Subscribe ► https://goo.gl/QzXLHw

#NurseryrhymesinEnglish #cancioneseninglésparaniños #barnvisornapåengelska #Músicaseminglêsparacrianças #KinderliederinEnglisch #Písničkyvangličtině #अंग्रेजीमेंनर्सरीकविताएं #Comptinesenanglais #Lagu-laguanakberbahasaInggeris #MusikUntukAnak #Barnerimpåengelsk #Canzoniperbambiniininglese #Engelsekinderliedjes #Piosenkidladziecipoangielsku #детскиепесни


