• 7 years ago
Now this fabulous classic from the mid 80's is interpreted anew in 2008 by one of the sassiest sultriest Divas I have ever had the pleasure to work with, Fay Jones. The original version of this song was by Barbara Pennington. I first met Fay on the same day as Tahira Jumah, because they were both friends of Angelo Starr, and he brought them along to meet me. Fay has quite simply done the most amazing job with my classic Pennington hit, and I'm very proud, as it's such a major important track for me. After weeks of non stop work and my two video editors staying up night after night without sleep my "Yesterday and Tomorrow" album was finally ready. I decided after thirty three years since I made my very first record, "Reaching For The Best" by The Exciters, to take a trip back down memory lane and recut thirty of my classics on artists who I am currently working with, reinterpreting them without losing the magic that made them special in the first place. It's a totally self indulgent project, but one which already has my fans salivating with delight. I first got the idea when I recut Evelyn Thomas's wonderful classic "Have A Little Faith In Me" with Ebony Alleyne, last year.
