• 7 years ago
Gina Foster sings "My World Will Never Be The Same". Gina and I wrote the words together in the studio, while recording with Glenn Keiles, just one week after Clive Scott's death, who helped write the backing track. We poured out our anger and frustration into the words of the song... "I suffer in silence, feel the pain cutting into me, all the rage and the violence, haunt my hours so endlessly". Even if it hadn't been one week later, I couldn't have brought myself to have written words like that. It just wrote itself from our emotions at the time. This sad sad but beautiful mellow song is our follow up to Gina's wonderful "Love In Overdrive". This track features on my album "Northern Soul 2009". Fifteen of the songs for the album were finished before his death. We had started the music for six more but never finished them. So in honour of his memory I compiled a further seven songs which Clive and I had written for various projects but had never been released. It seemed only right that Clive's last ever project, "Northern Soul 2009", should contain all songs that he had written with me, so with a heavy heart, we have set about the task of completing this monumentally important project to keep his skill and talent alive forever.
