• 7 years ago
One of the greatest Northern Soul records of all time, Alexander Patton's "A Little Loving Sometimes" was one of our first choices to film, and re-record, for our documentary, "The Strange World Of Northern Soul". The problem was that we simply couldn't find him in time, no matter how hard we tried. But then miraculously, five years after we launched that documentary to a capacity crowd of 2000 people, at the King George's Hall in Blackburn , organised by Richard Searling, on a hot July day in 1999, my dear friend Kev Roberts, managed to locate Alexander, and had him perform his classic at the Los Angeles Northern Soul Trip, that he organised in 2004. We were asked by Kev to come over and film this monumental event, for him, and so now, ten years after we tried to get hold of him for The Strange World Of Northern Soul, here is the amazing and charismatic and utterly wonderful Alexander Patton, singing one of the greatest Northern Soul anthems of our entire lifetime. My unending thanks go out to Kev Roberts for this, as otherwise we would never have the privilege of being able to watch him sing this classic.
