• 7 years ago
CGI Animation Horizon Zero Dawn Animation Reel by Jonathan Colin. Featured on http://www.cgmeetup.net/home/horizon-zero-dawn-animation-reel/

The Horizon Zero Dawn gameplay animations Jonathan Colin made for the Ps4 game Horizon Zero Dawn. They are mostly based on mocap, with a generous amount of key-editing. I was also responsible for implementing most of these assets in the animation diagram. Horizon Zero Dawn is a 3rd person Action-RPG. The main protagonist is Aloy, an agile huntress whose tribe survives in a post-apocalyptic world dominated by a robotic wildlife.

I would like to also give credit to the people at Guerrilla in the rigging, tool, character and art departments, all the mocap actors, and my animation teammates, for all the hard work and support and without whom this wouldn’t have been possible. This video is for demoreel purpose only and is not representative of the final game quality (different render settings, custom camera and test levels where used).

©2017 Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe. Horizon Zero Dawn is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Amera LLC. Developed by Guerrilla

Jonathan Colin http://www.jonathan-colin.com/

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CGI Animation Showreels HD "Horizon Zero Dawn Animation" by Jonathan Colin | CGMeetup

