• 7 years ago
We play hard and have fun in the last days of Paragon, This is a great game and one of my last videos i will be making. I hope you all enjoy this video. I loved this game so much and was starting to use all the characters. I feel it was a great waste of a game, there where many ways they could have generated revenue for this game. If you ever played it, you would see the great love and care that went into making the game. sure it had its issues as all games do.

Paragon was a third-person multiplayer online battle arena video game. The maps featured in the game are symmetrical, and bases are located at the two opposite ends of a map. Players are tasked with defeating the enemy team by destroying the core in their base. They can reach their opponents' bases through the three lanes featured in each map. Each lane is protected by defensive towers that protect the bases by attacking any incoming enemies that stand within its range automatically. Lanes consist of two towers and an inhibitor; destroying all of these allows a team to spawn more powerful minions in that lane and directly attack the enemy core. Between lanes are jungles, inside which players can find additional resources for their teams. Jungles are separated from lanes by fog walls that players cannot see other players through

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