SAMURAI WARRIORS 4 II - TADAKATSU HONDA / [Clash Of Wills] - Rare weapon

  • 6 years ago
Tadakatsus rare weapon is found within the battle of Komaki-Nagakute. You must get 1,000 kills and have over 50% of your health. The rare weapon mission, A Blossoming Trust, has you defeating Mitsunari Ishida and Yoshitsugu Otani, who are defending the Gakuden Castle.\r
1. Assault Plans Foiled – Defeat Tsunoki Ikeda, Nagayoshi Mori and Terumasa Ikeda before Yasumasa Sakakibara and his allies are defeated!\r
2. Push Onward – Defeat Mitsunari Ishida!\r
3. Nobukatsu Fished Out – Defeat Kiyomasa Kato and his allies, and prevent Nobukatsu Oda from being defeated!\r
4. A New Conviction – Defeat Sakon Shima in order to break through the Gakuden Southwesten Garrison!\r
Bonus Missions:\r
6. Push Back – Defeat Tadaoki Hosokawa and Yasuharu Wakisaka, and prebent Ujishige Niwa from being defeated!\r
7. Bullets Block the Advance – Defeat the Rifle Captains in the center of the battlefield!\r
8. Disquieting Times – Defeat Yoshitsugu Otani!\r
9. Exploiting the Breach – Prevent Hidenga Hashiba and Ujisato Gamo from infiltrating Mt. Komaki Castle!