• 7 years ago
The Pirates Death, a bomb shot that involves spiced rum falling into a bright blue ocean. However, if you know anything about spiced rum youd know that Pirates rarely had spiced rum on board, they drank wines, ports, madeira and anything they could get their hands on while stealing.\r
Like with all bomb shots, this drink is quickly finished by Ian and slowly finished by Derrick. Derrick dislikes the bomb shots and the carbonation in this one (due to the sprite and it being at room temperature) makes it harder to swallow.\r
However, the lightly sweet flavor with mingling spiced rum makes it a winner if any bomb shot can be considered as such.\r
The Pirates Death Shooter\r
1/2 oz Blue Curacao, 1 oz Spiced Rum, Sprite\r
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Common Man Cocktails, inspired by Derrick Schommers intimidation when opening a cocktail book, is designed to show viewers how to create some of the most common cocktails to advanced crazy cocktails and to look back at the classics of yesterday. Derrick has learned as he goes and has been ively creating five recipes a week on the channel for over six years, lots of content to keep you entertained for hours!\r
CMC will teach you how to make some great cocktail designs, give you ideas for new cocktails and introduce you to the latest spirits, liqueurs, syrups, barware and bitters. If youre looking to become a cocktail enthusiast or need new ideas for your bartending trade, CMC is a great place to start.\r
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