March of Central American Migrant Convoy to US Border Causes Political Backlash


by StoryfulViral


The march of hundreds of Central Americans who arrived at the US border at Tijuana, Mexico, at the end of April, 2018, became the focus of a number of debates involving US domestic and foreign policy.

US President Trump mentioned the group repeatedly, tweeting: “Our Southern Border is under siege,” on May 4, as the number of asylum seekers granted entry there into the US rose to 228.

This footage includes Trump speaking at a roundtable on tax reform, held in West Virginia on April 5, during which he said women traveling with the group were “raped at levels that nobody has ever seen before.” The organizers of the march responded to the statement, denying there had been any reports of rape.

Despite the political controversy, US officials have said that asylum-seeker’s cases will be processed according to law, to see if they qualify for refugee status. Credit: Storyful via Storyful