Avoid this kind of sunscreen to protect coral reefs - TomoNews

  • 6 years ago
HAWAII — Earlier this week, Hawaii passed a bill to ban sunscreen containing the common chemicals oxybenzone and octinoxate, Gizmodo reported.

The bill follows research suggesting sunscreen with such chemicals that don't stick to human skin can hurt coral.

Oxybenzone and octinoxate can cause genetic damage to coral and other organisms living under the ocean.

However, mineral sunscreen that uses zinc oxide or titanium dioxide are still allowed as they block the UV rays while remaining environmentally friendly.

Look for labels that say "naturally-sourced" and "fragrance free" and check the ingredients.

In a response to the bill, Hawaii senator Mike Gabbard said he believes Hawaii is doing the right thing by banning chemical-based sunscreen, he also added the bill will make a huge difference in protecting coral reefs, marine life, and human health.