Learn To Cook: How To Make Cannolis

  • 6 years ago
This week we travel to Sicily and learn the art of making cannolis. Then you can enjoy this Italian delicacy whenever you want to! \r
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4 Cups AP Flour\r
2 tbs granulated sugar\r
¼ tsp kosher salt\r
3 tbsp butter\r
2 each egg yolks\r
¾ cup white wine\r
4 cups ricotta\r
1.5 cups powdered sugar\r
1 tsp vanilla paste\r
1 zest of orange\r
1. To make shells, mix flour, sugar and salt in a bowl. Cut in better. Add egg yolks; stir with a fork.\r
2. Stir in wine, 1 tbsp at a time, with a fork until dough clings together. Form a ball with the dough and let stand for at least 30 minutes.\r
3. Roll dough almost paper thin on a well-floured surface. Cut 3-4 inch circle cuts using a round cutter. Roll each circle of dough around a metal cannoli tube, overlapping the ends and press to seal. Make sure the edges are flaring out slightly.\r
4. Fry one or two at a time in a 350F deep fryer for approximately 1 minute or until dough has turned brown on all sides. Remove from hot grease and drain on paper towels, seam side down. Let cool a minute or two before trying to remove the metal tube.\r
5.To remove the tube, hold cannoli shell down on the paper towel and carefull slide the tube out one end. Leave the cannoli shells on a paper towel, seam side down to cool completely. Note: Shells can be made several days before filling and stored in an airtight container.\r
6. For filling, drain ricotta cheese over cheesecloth if its watery. Combine the cheese, powdered sugar, zest and vanilla extr until combined. For a lighter filling, you may whip 1 cup of heavy whipping cream to form stiff peaks and fold into filling mixture at this step. Chill filling for about 30 minutes before piping into cooled cannoli shells. You may garnish the cannoli by sprinkling powdered sugar on top.\r
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