Caged tiger and other animals used for prom night

  • 6 years ago
MIAMI, FLORIDA — A caged tiger that was part of a South Florida high school's jungle-themed prom is drawing criticism from the public.

To make prom a memorable night for their students, Christopher Columbia High School held it Friday night at the DoubleTree Hotel at Miami International Airport with the exotic theme "Welcome to the Jungle".

things took a dramatic turn when an actual caged tiger was wheeled in the ballroom.

In a Facebook post, the sister of one of the student said the spectacle was animal cruelty and abusive, she also believes it is the faculty's fault for arranging this sort of entertainment.

She posted three questions in her post: "1. DID THIS TIGER ASK TO ATTEND PROM? 2. Why didn't anyone open the cage and see what would happen to these 'brave and courageous fire performers?' 3. WHY DOES CCHS ALLOW SUCH ANIMAL CRUELTY?"

According to the school, the prom also featured several themed decorations and animals including a lemur, two macaws, an African Fennec Fox and a tiger.

The school defended its decision by explaining the wildlife was overseen the entire time by a Florida-licensed facility, and they also released a statement to ABC defending their arrangement.

PETA, meanwhile, released a statement saying, "Wild animals aren't prom decorations. Displaying a tiger in a tiny cage and allowing students to handle lemurs is cruel to the animals and dangerous for the students, and it sends the harmful message that living beings are props to be used for human amusement."


