Patrick Dougall of Thingamavlogs ONCE AGAIN joins James, Chelsea and Dave for 2006s The Fox and the Hound 2, the direct-to-video sequel to the Disney classic - and filmed back-to-back with that .\r
Will we ever see the carnivals freak show? Why dont Copper or Tod ever talk about their fairground adventures? AND JUST WHERE THE HELL IS BIG MAMA?!\r
Check out guest Patrick Dougall on the internet!\r
Thingamavlogs (YouTube) ► \r
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The Drunk Disneyfollows Prical Folks on their quest to watch every Disney Animated Film with a drinking game, and the lessons they learn along the way. Subscribe to us so you can catch every : \r
Things We Drank To on thisof Drunk Disney:\r
1) Walt\r
2) Mumford & Sons\r
3) Disney s at their finest\r
4) The original\r
5) Butter sculptures\r
6) Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins\r
7) The shitty equivalent of drinks in this awful sequel\r
8) Glass spiders\r
PATREON (monthly rewards!) ►► \r
Support our channel and get sweet shirts at our merch page ►►►► \r
Follow Prical Folks on Social Media:\r
Facebook ► \r
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Drunk Disney Instagram ► \r
All trademarks are the property of their respective holders. \r
Clips and/or audio used from:\r
The Fox and the Hound 2, copyright 2006\r
Budsbursting 2.0 by Podington Bear\r
Heartbreaking by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (\r
Source: \r
Artist: \r
Prical Folks theme by:\r
C.N. Pratt ► \r
To all our current and future employers: We humbly request you do not fire / judge us over this.\r
THE FOX AND THE HOUND 2 ft. Patrick Dougall (Drunk Disney BONUS EPISODE)\r
Will we ever see the carnivals freak show? Why dont Copper or Tod ever talk about their fairground adventures? AND JUST WHERE THE HELL IS BIG MAMA?!\r
Check out guest Patrick Dougall on the internet!\r
Thingamavlogs (YouTube) ► \r
Instagram ► \r
Twitter ► \r
The Drunk Disneyfollows Prical Folks on their quest to watch every Disney Animated Film with a drinking game, and the lessons they learn along the way. Subscribe to us so you can catch every : \r
Things We Drank To on thisof Drunk Disney:\r
1) Walt\r
2) Mumford & Sons\r
3) Disney s at their finest\r
4) The original\r
5) Butter sculptures\r
6) Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins\r
7) The shitty equivalent of drinks in this awful sequel\r
8) Glass spiders\r
PATREON (monthly rewards!) ►► \r
Support our channel and get sweet shirts at our merch page ►►►► \r
Follow Prical Folks on Social Media:\r
Facebook ► \r
Twitter ► \r
Instagram ► \r
Tumblr ► \r
Drunk Disney Instagram ► \r
All trademarks are the property of their respective holders. \r
Clips and/or audio used from:\r
The Fox and the Hound 2, copyright 2006\r
Budsbursting 2.0 by Podington Bear\r
Heartbreaking by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (\r
Source: \r
Artist: \r
Prical Folks theme by:\r
C.N. Pratt ► \r
To all our current and future employers: We humbly request you do not fire / judge us over this.\r
THE FOX AND THE HOUND 2 ft. Patrick Dougall (Drunk Disney BONUS EPISODE)\r
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