• 7 years ago
Chemistry is the science that studies the composition and structure of matter and the changes it undergoes. Because everything in the universe is composed of matter, chemistry is the study of our material world. The chemical touches our lives and influences our activities in many ways that are often called the nuclear science. We chemistry practice all the time in our daily activities, i.e., the act of cooking, washing, taking medicine, fertilize the lawn, paint the house, or light a match, for example, are directly related to this science. In all these activities, substances interact and chemical changes occur. In our body when we breathe, walk and suffer food digestion, chemical reactions occur regularly. The environmental problems we experience and we deal today, as the disposal of domestic and industrial wastewater, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, photochemical smog, among many others, are all primarily chemical problems. Many goods are now made of polymers and ceramics instead of wood and metal thanks to our ability to produce materials with properties not found in nature. However, chemistry is essential in the current revolution in molecular biology, which is exploring the details of how life is genetically controlled, that is, no one today can understand the modern world without a basic knowledge of chemistry.
