• il y a 17 ans
Part 1 :
UN DRAME MUSICAL INSTANTANE sur la chaîne de télévision libre Antène 1,
filmé par Emmanuelle K, le 10 avril 1983, au 7 rue de l'Espérance, Paris 13e.

Jean-Jacques Birgé (synthétiseurs, trompette de poche, flûte basse, trompe)
Bernard Vitet (cor de poste, trompette à anche, accordéon, flûte, trompe)
Francis Gorgé (guitare, frein, flûte, trompe)


Translation of dialogue at the end of Part 1:

Emmanuelle K: John Cage thought it might be necessary to write a score to describe things which are not incompatible at all with what I've just listended to.
Jean-Jacques Birgé: Our score deals with improvisation, but that's not what we do. Our methods for writing music might be a little different from the time when Cage wrote his part. We call our works "instantaneous compositions" in opposition to "preliminary compositions". Why would Cage sign a score which we have composed from A to Z ? The author rights belong to us !

Part 2 :


