25 Cringeworthy Pictures That Will Make You Say Nope

  • 6 years ago
From the hissing notes to how to get rid of a nope here are 25 cringeworthy photos that will make you say NOPE! No thanks!\r
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25 Cringeworthy Pictures That Will Make You Say “Nope!” \r
#10 - How To Get Rid of A Nope\r
This isnt really the instructions as much as a what not to do. As you can see from this picture, this guy is in for a treat the second that spider crawls on his hand. This is absolutely the worst way to rid yourself of a spider. \r
#9 - The Hissing Nopes\r
Bugs are probably going to always be a “nope” thing, as long as they are out and about and huge in size. Look at the cockroach in this picture. The person may be holding it lovingly like you would a pet, but it is a cockroach, which is equivalent to nope. \r
#8 - Not My Kind Of Doll Shop\r
We guess its still cool to play with dolls, but this isnt really the type of dolls we had in mind. If you wandered past a few market stalls and saw these toys hanging up, would you shop from them or would you run in the opposite direction? After looking at the doll nooses in these pictures, we think wed run away. \r
#7 - When You Find Bugs As Large As These\r
We dont know what type of insect this is, but it doesnt really matter. All we know is that there is no way on Earth we would be putting these crazy bugs on the palms of our hands. It doesnt matter if they are alive or dead, just look at those stingers, theyre large enough to cause some damage. \r
#6 - The Largest Spider\r
Arachnophobes run and hide! This picture is supposedly of the biggest Huntsman Spider ever recorded. Its nice to break records and all, but thats a huge NOPE from me. \r
#5 - For the Fear of Heights\r
Who knows what made this lady think that this was a good idea, but judging by the distance between her and the street, we think that its not. Its one thing to be crazy enough to stand on that platform, but its a whole other ball game if you start to jump rope. This would be a no. \r
#4 - Straw Nope\r
Remember that time where you saw a relatable meme, and you forever lost your mind because of it? This is that meme, enjoy thinking you have been swallowing spiders instead of small chunks of ice like you had thought. \r
#3 - This Prehistoric Serpent\r
Dinosaurs and prehistoric reptiles and mammals are all really cool these days, but if we had to deal with them in this lifetime, they would be a whole lot more scary. Just image if the model of the Titanoboa was alive and well today. You can tell from this picture that the Titanoboa was known for swallowing crocodiles whole. What a thought.\r
#2 - Dropping Your Keys\r
Dropping your keys is enough of a hassle in itself. You have to bend over, clasp your hand around the metal, squeeze, then lift your whole body back into the standing position. However, if you look down to see where you dropped your keys and you see a snake like this picture shows, you know that you wont be going anywhere anytime soon. \r
#1 - Swimming With Crocs\r
Only in Australia would they find this to be a great tourist attrion. All we see when we look at this brochure is NOPE! You couldnt pay us enough to be in that cage; we dont care how thick that plastic is. The attrion is called the “Cage of Death.” That would be a no from us.
