13 New Amazing Species Discovered

  • 6 years ago
Scientists have discovered these incredible new species of all kinds of creatures like the spiders that use nets to catch their prey! \r
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8. Two New Species of Ant\r
The two new species were discovered living in New Guinea and have gained quite the attention from fans of the popular tv show Game of Thrones. The new ants were named after the Mother of Dragons own two dragons Viserion and Drogon. Scientists went with the names because the ants come equipped with spines that resemble that of the two dragons, though the similarities stop at the name. Scientists initially believed that the spines served as a defensive mechanism but 3D imaging showed that the spines were ually made up of muscle fibers that were all connected to the ants large head. \r
7. A New Species of Spider\r
This recently discovered species of ray spider was found back in new by an arachnologist who works at the California Academy of Sciences. Whats incredibly fascinating about ray spiders as a whole is that they arent classified as filter feeders. According to Charles Griswold who works at the Academy, ray spiders create a web like most regular spiders do but instead they use their web as a sort of net. They pull their web into a cone shape and wait for their next meal to come along. Once in range, the spider launches their net and catches the unfortunate prey. \r
6. A New Species of Frog\r
This newly discovered frog acquired its name from a legendary creature that lives in the rainforest called the mapinguari. Dart Frogs are famously known as some of the most venomous creatures on earth, yet, this frog isnt poisonous at all. Dendropsophus Mapinguari is the scientific name and the herpetologist who found it named it this in honor of the regions culture, This species of frog is colored bright yellow and can be found in the Amazon jungle in Brazil.\r
5. A New Species of Viper\r
This new species of viper was believed to be part of the same species as another already identified snake. However, researchers finally figured out that the viper itself was ually a completely separate species. The new Talamancan palm-pitviper can only be found in northern and the central Cordillera de Talamanca, which is the mountain range that lies on the border of Panama and Costa Rica.The snake only grows to be about less than 24 inches and can be identified by its black and bright green color pattern and their fascinating venom with special neurotoxins. \r
4. A New Species of Sea Slug\r
This mysterious mass of purple glob was discovered late last month on July 28 when the research crew aboard the E/V Nautilus spotted the creature just off the coast of California. They obtained the aquatic animal by using a suction device on a remote controlled vehicle to capture and further examine it on the ship. Susan Poulton, a spokesperson for the ship, believes that this could be some new species of sea slug as there are no known sea slugs with this color, though further study is required.\r
3. A New Species of Boa\r
Finding a new species of snake is considered very rare which is why scientists are quite excited about this find. The snake is a species of boa that was discovered on Conception Island of the Southern Bahamas that is known for being uninhabited. The boa is silver in color and gives off a shine like metal. Its believed that only around a 1,000 of these creatures are living on the island. It lives off a diet of birds as it dwells in the treetops and there is a strong possibility that this species could become extinct due to the feral cats that hunt it. \r
2. A New Species of Giant Tortoise \r
Found on The Galápagos Island of Ecuador, these giant tortoises might look familiar to the ones that already exist on the island but rest assured this is a whole new species of tortoise. This species was found living on the eastern side of the island. Its been estimated that there are only around 250 of these tortoises left. With this new discovery now comes the conservation efforts to help conserve the species. The scientific name for this species comes from Don Fausto, a park ranger who worked to help conserve them. \r
1. A New Species of River Dolphin\r
The Araguaian boto is a river dolphin that can be located in the middle and lower regions of the Araguaia River from Barra do Garças all the way to the Santa Isabel rapids. It was first discovered back in new, but it should be noted that technically the Society for Marine Mammalogy does not recognize this dolphin as a new species due to the examination of only two bodies of this species. If further testing proves that this is a new species itll be the first mammal discovery in over a century.
