• 7 years ago
A top soup for homemade dinner date. Learning maths in the UK will be the topic of the day.\r
兩人份量 / For two people\r
中龍蝦1隻 - 1 medium size lobster\r
紅蘿蔔1條 - 1 carrot\r
西芹1條 - 1 stalk of celery\r
洋蔥1個 - 1 onion\r
白蘭地酒1/3杯 - 1/3 cup of cognac brandy\r
月桂葉3片 - 3 bay leaves\r
番茄膏2茶匙 - 2tsp of tomato puree\r
蕃茜1茶匙 - 1tsp of dried parsley\r
魚湯或菜湯800毫升 - 800ml of fish or vege stock\r
無鹽牛油20克 - 20g of unsalted butter\r
中筋麵粉20克 - 20g of plain flour\r
細蔥 - chives to garnish\r
雙份奶油2茶匙 - 2tsp of double cream\r
鹽和黑胡椒粉 - salt and pepper to taste


