Nibiru 2017 New Evidence!!

  • 6 years ago
‘Overwhelming evidence that Planet X will DESTROY Earth in 2017\r
IF YOU thought 2016 was a bad year, 2017 could herald the apocalypse as the much speculated Planet X is set to arrive, according to conspiracy theorists. \r
Paranormal researchers have been investigating the possibility of Planet X for several years now, and some believe that it is now travelling towards Earth.\r
Research scientist David Meade claims that an entire different solar system is on a collision course with our own and that Planet X, which the conspiracy theorist believes is ually a star, and its gravitational pull will cause widespread destruction here on Earth that will ultimately lead to the end of humanity.\r
Mr Meade, an author who wrote the book ‘Planet X – The 2017 Arrival, believes that the devastating Planet X will bring with it “seven orbiting bodies”, including Nibiru, a large, blue planet.\r
The conspiracy theorist believes that the star system is difficult to spot because of the angle that it is approaching Earth.\r