Goodbye Hungary! - You've got a friend - James Taylor (cover)

  • 6 years ago
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If you believe in my music and wants to help invest in my career, click in Become a Patreon, 1 dolar helps A LOT!

Hello guys!! So, I wanted to say goodbye in a way that would last "forever" hahaha and that you could always check if you are nostalgic :P
I'd like to thank everyone for this life changing experience that I had in Budapest... AIESEC, all the trainees, the students, the teachers, the random people that I met at the pubs... hahaha I love you guys!! It was the best experience of my life so far!!
please, let's keep in touch!!

I know I messed up the song, but I don't really care, what matters is that you know how much you mean to me! :D

you'll always have a home in Brazil ;)

Hiányozni fogtok
